Friday, 8 September 2017

Day 10: Groningen, Netherlands

Oh the rain.

Guitar finds its home.

The trees have eyes.

Like roofs much?

Alex directs us to a place with windmills that is somehow next to a chocolate factory.. she didn't know - honest.


That ass..

Another windmill.


Little shops.

Apple pastry.

Jumping windmills.

Inside windmills.

Why me?

Easy now.

Sexy lady.

Free cheese! My god.

More free cheese!

Out of my way!


And more rain.,

Hugging the coast.

Oh the rain.

The seemingly endless pissing rain..

A traditional English dinner using the finest local Friesian produce.

Can you tell they put us under a great big bloody tree?!!


  1. Waal! So sorry about the rain. We were in Zaanse Schans in June with better luck. Hope the cheese made up for it! 🧀🧀🧀🧀

  2. Waal! So sorry about the rain. We were in Zaanse Schans in June with better luck. Hope the cheese made up for it! 🧀🧀🧀🧀

  3. You should have gone to Greece is hot and sunny 35 degrees in the shade xxx
