A slow start, the leisure battery is flat. We must wait whilst it's on charge.
Goodbye Norway, Hello Sweden.
Fjällbacka; the tiny seaside village that inspired Swedish writer Camilla Lackberg's crime novels..
Swedish beer is very strange; everything you see here is exactly 3.5%.
Everything here is 2.8%.
From Norway's 12quid+ per litre to Sweden's 60 pence..
Norwegian brown cheese tastes bad. With the texture of butter tablet it melts in your mouth, but not in a good way.
Reverse psychology? Tasty tasty Plopp.
A long days drive to campsites with hidden fees. We eventually parked up in a very wet, empty field next to the only other van which happen to contain two drunken, crazy Germans. After doing a small dance in wellies and saying repeatedly how 'FUCKing wet' it was, they very kindly invited us over to their place and gave us both a beer!
It might be 2.8% but you can't go wrong with 2 quid for a six pack!

A fine dish we picked up in Norway - Fiskekake (fish cakes!). These were incredibly good, they codn't have been better..
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