Sunday, 29 October 2017

Day 53: Zagreb, Croatia

Lake Heviz Health Spa.

Nice and toasty! The lake doesn't drop below 26 degrees in the coldest winters, so we here.

Time for a dip (not quite in the nip).

The spa has many fancy healing properties owning to the waters special composition which should make us both feel like superheroes.. no locomotor's disease for us! More here:

Lake Balaton - at a crazy 77KM long it is the largest lake in central Europe. Only 10 degrees in the water, no ones swimming here! 

Feeling nice and chilled from our therapeutic thermal bathing experience, we stopped for hot chocolate and celebrated in our own ways..

Can you see the end? Us neither.

Langos in crisp form, of course.

Another capital without out of season camper catering leads us to hostel no.2

Cheep & cheerful chips and stuff, in Zagreb.

Oh dear, all that doner must have made Alex shrink!

Sampling more of the local delicacies.

A free ZZ Top cover band, wahoo!

Day 52: Heviz, Hungary

We left Budapest, and drove a long way. 4000 miles on the clock!

After travelling in the direction of Slovenia, we stop for the night at the bottom of the giant lake Balaton (pictured tomorrow). The campsite felt more like a retreat.

A bridge over steaming thermal water (more of that tomorrow).

Jack cooks dinner, third time in 52 days?

Happy Hungarian paprika pork chops with super special spicy vegetable rice. Alex was impressed!

Day 51: Budapest, Hungary

Our underground toilet facilities, with added spiders on Alex's request.

Busy busy!


Hungarian parliament from across the Danube.

Szechenyi Chain Bridge connecting Buda to Pest!

All around Buda Castle.

Matthias Church.

The Fisherman's Bastion.

Over to Pest for an indoor market.

With many mushroom cabinets.

And Langos, dangerously unhealthy Langos!

Deep fried bread with cheese and sour cream, yum.

As if Langos wasn't enough.. pause for cake at Auguszt - a hairy biker hot spot!


Street art.

Holocaust Tree of Life Memorial.

Dohany Street Synagogue.

House of Terror Museum with interesting facts about some of suffering Hungary went through post WWII.

We spent a while here.

Out in the many ruin pubs of Budapest, all of which are super cool. This one is Kuplung.

Ellato Kert & Taqueria.

Fogas Haz & Instant, a small part of the biggest ruin pub, they were all massive! There was a metal gig starting up in a place called Robot downstairs that sounded awesome but at a tenner a ticket it was not for us.

We were too early for fast food here but not wanting to fork out for a restaurant there was a cheeky kebab trip in the middle of this visit - not our healthiest day!

Szimpla Kert with a free gig!

Nunki Bay Starship, here's what they sounded like:

Night sights.

Ignac Rosckovics, apparently.

Shoes on The Danube, WWII memorial.

Heading home.

Looking back at Pest from Buda, before walking 5km for the late bus.