Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Day 38: Prague, Czechia

The trees didn't fall on the van.

The neighbours awning survived.

We went for a stroll about the Elbe sandstone mountains.

With rocks.

Not mushroom for a joke here..


Christmas trees.

Your turn - match the names of rock formations to the rocks - enjoy.

We left, and drove past a restaurant/a plane, thing?

Many a street-side stall selling all manner of wares.

Onwards, autumn continuing to show its colours.

After accidentally camping further south than originally planned we briefly returned north to Rathen, Germany.

Barney, hardened with age.

Thanks due to Ute again for the awesome blue cheese!

An unexpected miniature railway collection (with some super geeks controlling them inside ha).

A wet ferry.

The ferry was short.

The rain was not.

Don't look down.

Views from the top, overlooking Bastei.

It stopped raining.

Too expensive to be a souvenir :'(

He's behind you!


Slowly.. we think this boat had no engine..

Pragueward bound with bridges and tunnels.

Saucy sausages avec carrot un 'tato mash. Sup(p)er!

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