Sunday 12 November 2017

Day 67: Orvieto, Italy

A very misty morning drive.

Montepulciano! He started it..

Misty streets.

Perhaps we should papier-mache the van?

What do we have here then..

An awesome winery where we were allowed a self-led tour.

All the wine!

Old wine is good wine..

These two gave us a free taster!

In here..

We bought wine!

More of Montepulciano in the mist.

We went back for a second bottle; some lucky persons Christmas pressie!

Smooth talker - Ciao bella.



Back to the van.

Over to Civita di Bagnoregio, some sights on the way up.


It appears out of the mist..

A crumbling medieval town accessible only by footbridge.

Into the centre.


Views from the hill.


Back down.

Late lunch on crackers, no bakeries found open today.

Our final Tuscan drive south towards Orvieto.

More beautiful bolognaise following traditional italian recipes. Delizioso!

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