Saturday, 16 December 2017

Day 106: Weisbaden, Germany

Friends from five countries the night before.

Bright an early, our room with a view.

Tom sleeps on.

After a very long diversion on the hunt for sausages..

Fry up time!

Breakfast bratwurst can't be bad.

Not pictured - Tom eventually woke up and we left and drove to Frankfurt's biggest most confusing airport and dropped him promptly at the wrong terminal :) We hear he made the flight. Its been great having you along for 420 miles!

We check out Frankfurt city centre and test our roof height in a 2m car park!

The city was wet so we didn't stay long. But did buy a funky german computer keyboard to replace the one that Alex beer-battered in Freiburg!

Out of the city we check out Weisbaden's finest laundromat and casually fall into a kebabby.

Not pictured - we did find a quiet camperstop for the night and decided on HP over second dinner!

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