Sunday, 3 December 2017

Day 90: Stobrec, Croatia

Morning by the van, it stopped raining wahoo!

Blagaj Tekka dervish house at the source of the river Buna.

Inside the house.

Back out.


Across the river.


Back to Mostar. Alex had her eyes on some particular christmas gifts from a store she had seen the previous day, it unfortunately did not open early enough for us to go this morning.. so we had to return!

Weaving away from Bosnia.

Snowy mountains in the distance.

Kravica waterfall.

We couldn't resist a second lunch time Ćevapi before crossing the border back into Croatia..

Sunset at the end of a long drive.

We stopped at a supermarket and I finally got clothes without holes in! We also bought matching jogging bottoms - these will come in handy now we're heading towards the Alps!

Old jeans repurposed.

We did buy food for dinner but that Ćevapi was so huge we settled for biscuits & crisps. Custard dessert or yoghurt? You decide..

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